Friday, March 18, 2011

Pokemon Cards Value Chart

red, flew to Libya

The world teaches us again that nature is unpredictable. In late February I thought the fall of Muammar Gaddafi was imminent, that his regime was collapsing, but the reality showed me otherwise: Gaddafi resisted, fought and recovered by observing the bravado of their favorite son, yesterday concluded insurgent forces were told hours before the advance of the Libyan army and the apparent unlikelihood of a military intervention while international attention is fixed on the crisis magnified in Japan, which wants Crom not assume that Europe and the United States loses the train of nuclear development in the interests of Russia and China. I was wrong and, with the abstention of the giants mentioned above, the Security Council has approved a UN resolution authorizing the use of force against the regime of the mad colonel, who has sealed his fate with this nothing veiled threat: " passenger aircraft will attack . " You have to go for it. At the risk of being wrong again, I am convinced that the decision to remove Gaddafi has become final and no going back. Disrepute which would be his hold on power seems to me inconceivable. UN euphemisms have come into play: they are going to use all means necessary. Time to deliver

smacks. In the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Italy will fall the burden of major military operations. Canada and Norway will send F-18 and F-16, the Rafale and Eurofighter aircraft from France and the UK will be the spearhead of the attack. Spain would not harm, but fatal relegated to a secondary role, to provide support only logísitico! Is not acceptable. Can not pull the money we spent on modern equipment. We must mobilize at least one of the frigate Álvaro Bazán and the condition of being allowed to go into battle and shoot something, make available to the Allies a fighter squadron of our own Eurofighter. No more partisan bickering! If they act with courage, I am with President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Minister Carme Chacon . I hope the meaning of State Mariano Rajoy , although I fear that some of the political-robot class PP María Dolores de Cospedal or Esteban Gonzalez Pons reluctance to appear on television with stupid and shameful attitude of style socialists when are in opposition. There is little to lose and little to gain. It is a campaign against a supervillain whose forces are much lower than ours. Europe will win and will benefit in the form of a protectorate in Libya and better conditions in the gas import contracts and oil, something that Gaddafi had pledged to Russia and China if it blocked the UN resolution.

Knights, the action in Libya is about candy. If diplomatic sources are right, the offense can start at any time today. Unfortunately, for reasons of domestic politics, we've lost Angela Merkel. Germany is isolated and radicalized on the issues Libya and Japan. I was disappointed. Would have enjoyed very much with the Luftwaffe again maneuvering through the skies of North Africa, this time alongside the British and Americans, but may not be. Keep on going! A salute to the supreme commander Barack Obama and David Cameron European leaders , Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi . They lead the campaign to a conclusion favorable to our interests. Remember that the British Prime Minister has always believed in this war and has not ceased in its efforts to unleash it. I think that military planners foresee mass desertions as the first bombs destroy airfields, command centers and other military targets. Hopefully it will be possible to capture alive the "king of kings." After Osama bin Laden , which is the undisputed number 1, Muammar Gaddafi is the contemporary statesman more excited cause I imagine the custody of NATO troops. What will you do when you see lost? Run away and hide in the desert as Saddam Hussein, committed suicide in his bunker Adolf Hitler as or delivered as Napoleon Bonaparte ? Who knows! As I have said once, I would go for romance a dramatic epilogue, escape to a national redoubt, the Libyan equivalent of the Massada of the Jews in the war against Rome, or-never used-Fort Alpina ( Alpenfestung ) of the Germans in World War II. In short, a citadel in which down next to your loved ones and your own Praetorian Guard. Let



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