By exposing the fillings of mercury at high temperatures (eg coffee), rubbing the teeth, or just eat, they release a gas which we hope or swallow through saliva, Mercury V Apor disperses and diffuses into the alveolar air through the lung tissues and thus, reaches the bloodstream, slowly oxidation will occur in the blood and In tissues, and then Mercury is stored in the kidney, brain, liver, spleen, heart, membranes of the intestinal tract, salivary glands, thyroid and skeletal muscle.
effects on the human body:
Once mercury accumulates in the body in large amounts, will perform a wide variety expressions that are sometimes misdiagnosed, general symptoms associated with mercury poisoning are Irritability, Blast Temperament, Shyness, Resentment, headache, fatigue, indecision, weakness, inability to concentrate, trembling hands, head and lips, gastrointestinal disturbances, riots Kidney, Weight Loss and Appetite, skin can be found Dermatitis, Urticaria, erythema and edema of face and Legs, mouth are Gingivitis and stomatitis and salivation, metallic taste, salivation, halitosis, oral mucosa ulcers, gingival recession and blue, gray or black gums.
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