Friday, March 11, 2011

Masrerbating Methords

THE OUTBREAK OF THE ARAB SOCIAL ... when you see your neighbor's beard burn ...

The social upheaval that has occurred in Arab countries, has several aspects in common. First, people have no work and the little there is very poorly paid and without benefits. Secondly on youth who have graduated from higher education are not working. Third, the increased cost of living is rising rapidly, especially with food.

Fourthly, there is a cynical and widespread corruption not only in government but throughout society, beginning with the private sector. Fifth, governments every day are more subservient to the interests of foreign patency and their predatory corporations that leave the people defenseless against the greed, gagged and the Nation extinct sovereignty.

The result of this tremendous "cocktail" is frustration, despair and violence repressed peoples in Arab countries, especially in young people between 18 and 35 who are spending time and each time have fewer options.

The "jasmine revolution" began using the Internet among young college-educated and jobless. And of course spread among young people who have not had access to education and neither have jobs. Countries with these dangerous and explosive characteristics "gas smell", because any spark burst.

Many people think that "this social explosion" is far and that the "domino effect" will not affect Mexico. Totally wrong. Also today we live in a big global village, is that Arab countries have the same problems we have today in Mexico. Furthermore, with the aggravating circumstance "personal war" of President Felipe Calderón which unilaterally declared against some drug cartels.

Indeed, dear reader, is that Mexico has the same conditions that the riots broke out in Arab countries and we have tens of millions of unemployed youths, Amen to more than half of Mexicans in poverty.

In Arab countries "now found" that there are "democratic presidents" with 20, 30 and 40 years in power, imposed by U.S., Israel and Europe to serve their political and economic interests. Who have surrendered themselves and dragged in front of the presidents of countries and companies, which is different but equal. But at the same time are repressors INSESO and unfair to their people. Minorities have been "Europeanized or Gringotization" and have been accomplices flight exploitation of their people and natural resources at the hands of greedy multinational corporations.

But in Mexico there is no difference, since 1521 which have taken over the government and power are viceroys, landowners, presidents and entrepreneurs. Whether in the Colonial period or the "neocolonial (XIX to XXI Century). They are meant to serve the interests of foreigners to the detriment of the nation, national sovereignty and of course the people that lived almost five centuries in the semi-slavery, and ignorance.

Mexico has the same conditions as Egypt and PRIAN and its branch the PRD-PT, does not envy anything Mubarak's democracy. Poverty is the same, the desolation is the same, the frustration is the same. And if Egypt has a neighbor that has gripped Israel Palestine, we have the United States has removed more than half of our territory. Both Israel and the U.S., are concerned about the direction to take this outbreak that is occurring by the exhaustion of the patience of the people.

Both the U.S. and Israel, are intervening in the internal affairs of Egypt and Mexico. The recent events of the reports of Ambassador Pascual, and the introduction of weapons and U.S. government pressure on a weakened government of President Felipe Calderon and a country in which politicians and businessmen are the rebating to get more out of the misfortunes of one of the countries with greater capacity to generate wealth and at the same time, one of those with the worst and most inequitable distribution of wealth.

Today, thanks to globalization and advances in communications, nothing is far. So, when you see your neighbor's beard "burn" ...



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