Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Compilation Facial Explosion

anesthesia is no fear (news report) [1]

Success in this area is measured by speed patient recovery and the absence of pain, areas in which progress has been made with incredible speed. If you are among those who believe that knowledge is the best weapon to ward off fear, then read these lines on the subject, prepared prints. Raul Soto Chacón

Amid this sea information on topics related to health, anesthesia, usually one of the passages less traveled. All fear, but few know what it is really. The fear reaches such a point that many suffer more thinking about the effects that might result in the application of the anesthetic - I lose feeling in the arm? "," stay paraplegic?, "wake up again? - that the possible risks of surgery to which they will submit. True, we have heard stories of malpractice ... of patients who remained in the room for error when calm the pain and sensitivity, but that seems to be thing of the past. How best to combat fear is information, consulted the anesthesiologist Prints Douglas Cedeño, Medical Center San Bernardino, who not only explains what you need to know about anesthesia, but endorses the good practice of the current Venezuelan doctors .

What is anesthesia?
"The word comes from 'an' meaning without and 'estesia', which is pain or tenderness. The principle of anesthesia is to ensure that a patient while operating, is no feeling, no pain response, maintaining of course, all vital signs stable. "

What state is the age when the anesthesia?
"Well, first you have to mention that there are two types of anesthesia: general and regional level. In the first, the patient is unconscious. Apart from this, there must be analgesia (no pain when they are operating) , muscle relaxation, and of course, autonomic stability (adequate blood pressure, adequate heart rate ...). This means that the patient under general anesthesia is 'asleep', does not move and no pain ... In the case of regional blocks pain or tenderness and possibly motility of a body segment (hand, arm, leg, waist down). "

Who is responsible for implementing the anesthesia?
"anesthesia profession began as a technician, who was an individual who is trained to perform certain anesthetic techniques, generally, regional, and always directed by the physician. Were trained in the same hospitals. Now is a postgraduate course of medical specialization, which has a three years. You have to be a doctor to be anesthesiologist.

Could you explain better the types of anesthesia ... widening the classification ?
"General anesthesia can be divided according to the drugs used. General can be inhaled when inhaled agents are required specialized spray equipment (liquids are inhaled anesthetics, and introduced into a vaporizer that are what make gas). There is also general intravenous anesthesia (via blood through a venous access). There is combined or mixed-inhalation and intravenous, which is the most widely used, because you manage to unconsciousness with an inhalational agent, but relaxation is injected with a drug like analgesia. Pure inhalational anesthesia is rarely used. You must be a very minor surgical stimulus.

And the regional ?
"You lock the regional members. You block one arm because it is the arm they're going to operate. In this case it is called the brachial plexus block. Also you can block specific nerve leg or her. And there are the neuraxial. At this point people have a lot of confusion. These are the anesthesia where the approach is through the column. Those include epidural anesthesia and spinal or subarachnoid.

Could explain what each of them?
"The epidural is placed into the intervertebral space, up to a point located between the dura (the case or the layer that protects the spinal cord) and the yellow ligament. The needle goes between two spinous processes (the bones highlighted along the spine), through skin, subcutaneous supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, yellow and, suddenly, comes the epidural space. At this point it comes to loss of resistance exercises (done blindly ). It will be coming in and feeling the resistance of the tissues ... until you arrive it is impossible to inject. But when you get to the area, it can be injected anesthetic.

anesthetized area depends on the height where you put the anesthesia. In general, anesthesia was the last rib downward. There are several resources: if you want to numb the perineum, in cases of hemorrhoids, let the patient sitting, and gravity, that is the area that is blocked. The epidural is used in childbirth. This procedure is also widely used for postoperative analgesia: a catheter left in space and from there she goes analgesia.

People fear precisely that needle ...
"They've changed a lot of design. They have wings for a while will be supported by entering ... are much thinner and the tip is beveled ... Diameters are 18 or 16 (the higher the number the thinner the needle). There are children. In the field of anesthesia, the efforts have been directed to make a less traumatic needles, safer, and to combine the techniques. "

Continued on next post


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