Friday, March 4, 2011

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Oaxaca, the heart of the Stone of Fire Anahuac. THE GREAT DECEPTION

The state of Oaxaca, just as the South-south states, maintain a dual position. On the one hand its human richness and abundance in human resources are truly exceptional. This double crucifies crossroads in history.

Earth is a "living" and all living being has special parts that distinguish it. In the world exist in China and India, two regions so rich and full of human and natural diversity as those in Oaxaca. Not only is its variety and human diversity. Oaxaca is the highest number of native cultures have, and also is the highest number of indigenous people.

Oaxaca is the point at which unites the two great mountain ranges that cross the nation and the so-called "Nudo Mixteco" tie these two impressive mountain ranges in a sea of mountains, with heights above three thousand meters. In this impressive fortress found an astonishing variety of climates and ecological niches. Forests, jungles, middle mountain, desert areas, rivers and in the center of the state, crowned by a beautiful valley system, which for more than ten thousand years, invited human beings to build one of the "older homes human being on Earth. "

Wealth in Oaxaca states rich in ancient cultures of their peoples. Thousands of years of wisdom condensed into the food, folk art, subsistence agriculture, traditions and customs, which remains intact decanted the values \u200b\u200bof "human."

Family, parenting, friendship, cronyism, respect for elders, solidarity, a sense of community service, frugality, respect for authority, community work, the value of education, the mystical and sacred by the world and life, spirituality, among many different personal values, family and community, making peoples, their cultures and their values \u200b\u200bto "Oaxaca, the spiritual reserve of Mexico. "

In these human values, lies the greatest richness of Oaxacan culture, which are legitimate heirs to the wisdom of the Old Grandparents represented in the toltecayotl (the art of living in harmony for the legendary Toltec).

However, Oaxaca also surprises us by its incalculable natural wealth. Indeed, nature has been generous and the variety and biodiversity in the state, has surprised scientists the world. While noting the large number of plants, animals and insects endemic, which makes Oaxaca a unique geographical area with amazing and incredible way of life unique to the geography of Oaxaca.

This immense human and natural wealth is not an accident. Yes the Earth is a living being and every living thing has parts "especially sensitive" body turns out that Oaxaca is a place where "Heaven and Earth meet." Indeed, Oaxaca is one of the sacred sites on Earth. Vertex at the crossroads and melt telluric energy from deep and intimate of the Earth, with the cosmic energy of the universe. Oaxaca is the point where heaven (symbolized by the quetzal), finds the perfect balance with the earth (symbolized by the coatl) to incarnate in human beings Quetzalcoatl, that is, the perfect balance between spirit and matter.

is why in Oaxaca, the earth and the light vibrate differently. Telluric energy embraces and involves human beings, a breath of light energy bathes every evening at the Oaxacan that through the centuries, has made fire and stone.

is why "The Stone of Fire" live in the depths of the original peoples of Oaxaca.

; More Oaxaca information:


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