The strength of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, to abandon the power begins to show signs of exhaustion, while the forces are loyal to him even trying to stop the advancing forces rebels, s ccording chain Al Jazeera, Gadhafi instructed the head of the secret services abroad, Buzid Durda, who tried to talk with leaders of the revolt, which control for days east of the country, for that, Durda should contact the local tribal leaders, a attempt failed, as these leaders refused to negotiate, "All my people love and die for me!" , claimed in an interview, and sta blindness, real or feigned, also extends to what happened in Tripoli, where, according to Gaddafi, has not been "no protest" said, and still leading l Libya continues to defend that the origin of the protests are "drugs that Al Qaeda provided" youth of his country regarding the possibility of leaving, as he calls his people and the international community Gadhafi just laughed when he suggested this possibility.
Given the evidence that their power is challenged Gaddafi seems to be seeking responsible for their failure to tackle the way to the rebels against his overbearing mass Republic, the dictator continues pounding all means available to the revolutionaries, but the rebel leaders are training young people for the battle of Tripoli, a plane Libyan Air Force bombed a weapons depot near the headquarters of Hania, in Edjibiya region, about 200 km west of Benghazi, the second city of the country under rebel control, opponents of Gadhafi turn control Misrata, the third largest city and its airport, near where fighting continues between Gaddafi's detractors and supporters, the rebels shot down a government plane trying to bomb the local radio station that broadcasts messages of the insurgents, the forces Gaddafi also trying to regain control of the military base in this city, which dominate only a small part, the rest is under control of the revolutionaries. On this basis, there is an ammunition depot.
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