Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rusian Bare Free Clip

Child Abuse Affect Brain Development Macropinna

The Beatings and Brain Development

The first
childhood, the brain develops more rapidly than all other body organs, the age of 5 years, the brain has around 90% of its adult weight, and for 7 years, fully grown, this makes early childhood a very delicate and critical stage of development brain, nervous tension associated with pain and fear caused by spanking can negatively affect development and function of the brain of a child, it is precisely during this period of great plasticity and vulnerability that many children are subjected to physical punishment, the effect can be a derailing natural and healthy growth of the brain that are irreversible abnormalities last a lifetime.

According to Dr. Martin Teicher of McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, "We know that an animal exposed to stress and neglect early in life develops the brain is wired to experience fear, anxiety and stress. We believe that the same is true for humans, "in the article" The Neurobiology of Child Abuse, "Scientific American wrote," The new brain imaging and other experiments have shown that child abuse can cause permanent damage to the structure and function neural brain itself as it develops. This grim result suggests that we need much more effort to prevent child abuse and neglect before it does irrevocable harm to millions of young victims ... Society reaps what it sows in the way of raising children, "no responsible parent would knowingly jeopardize the normal brain development of a child, and yet that is precisely what the hit without knowing it.


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