Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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APOPTOSIS: Where Old and diseased cells 'suicide' for the Good of the Body

Suicide is extremely everyday within us, every day, all of us, is produced around 10,000 suicide Million cells, this high number of deaths should NOT be intentional, much less, to a "depressive behavior" of our cells as if they had become disillusioned with life, far, apoptosis or cell death schedule is a radical act of altruism, an extreme sacrifice for the common good of the other cells and on which depends our own survival, in the same way that perpetuates a species new individuals are born and die the older and / or patients in our body cells and diseased older voluntarily decide to take out of the way that life persists in the body, apoptosis is a phenomenon cellular regulated with extreme detail, everything starts with a given signal, which can occur inside the cell or outside a cell, having lived fully for a few months, he has accumulated so many mutations in their DNA (caused by ultraviolet rays, for example) that is unable to repair itself, given such circumstances, the cell decides (before malfunction and cause problems for their colleagues and the agency that is), go into apoptosis.

A cell is sick with an infection particular virus, a cell natural killer who goes by his round of surveillance in the area is attached to the cell and connects to its receptors, recognizing the state of cell infection and inducing the onset of apoptosis, basically, "convinces" a cell to commit suicide, something not very difficult, since many cells have the motto "before infected dead" when a cell begins the process of apoptosis is the first thing to depart from the rest of their peers, following isolation from the other, the cell begins to shrink slowly and form small spheres or vesicles due to destruction its cytoskeleton, both "bodies" of the cell (organelles) and are packaged DNA progressively while cell shrinkage, apoptosis is cell suicide that keeps us alive in the next phase, DNA splitting ends as the cell membrane, leading to a large number of small vesicles called apoptotic bodies containing all the bowels of the cell, these vesicles are engulfed by other cells by phagocytosis to clean up the mess and later to practice recycling efforts: the suicide cell components can be reused by her classmates, cell suicide is a phenomenon characterized by quiet and clean which is the minimum possible change to the other cells around, if a cell, for any reason that is, expel its contents to the outside would cause damage to other cells and inflammation by releasing harmful enzymes, therefore, the entire contents Apoptosis of cells is perfectly packaged and included in the vesicles, pa ra do not leave outside and to phagocytose and reuse content easily.


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