"We need an enemy to justify the expense of the Wars"
Mansur Escudero.
Islam has been stigmatized with a series of stereotypes that confuse it with a backward religion that is incompatible with the values \u200b\u200bof modernity and democracy, with these stereotypes terrorist activity has intensified, now identified Islam with terrorism and this is very damaging to the Muslim community, which feels criminalized for something that is outside the parameters of Islam, Osama Bin Laden is a product which have developed intelligence and specialized mass media to justify the war in Afghanistan or Iraq have made a hero in the Muslim masses and is the enemy must need the power (not just the U.S., too Big Corporations), there are Muslims who have bought this, but Al Qaeda who has hurt more is to Muslims themselves, The Clash of Civilizations over an invention, work of Samuel Huntington , replaces the conflict between Communism and Capitalism, which has always needed an opponent to justify its policies, it takes the enemy to justify spending wars, the guns are now directed towards Islam, Muslims feel fully identified and integrated with democratic societies because they believe it is the original model of Islam, what they want is that these values \u200b\u200bwere extended to all Islamic countries, what is paradoxical is that the West, primarily the United States Government support to Islamic countries that do not defend democracy like Israel.
* Excerpt from the interview Islam Mansur Escudero Web.
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