The ancient civilization of Anahuac was "converted" many people "Anahuac no" to their worldview. Since the beginning of the European invasion to the present day, people who had the "sensitivity" and ability to relax your mind and open your spirit to another different perception of the world and life has been "touched" and transformed by the values , principles and attitudes of one of the oldest civilizations of mankind.
, Gonzalo Maya Guerrero and his family
Indeed, from Gonzalo Guerrero, the sailor who was shipwrecked on the shores of Chetumal in 1511 and not only learned to speak the Mayan language, but was viewed as culturally as Maya, the able to obtain their freedom, because when he was captured slave. As a free man married a girl under the law, religion and culture Maya fathered the first three mestizos of Mexico (product of love and within a marriage between a Mayan woman and a English man). When Cortes ordered him to "rescue", Gonzalo Guerrero agreed to embark on the issue saying that he had a family, and finally died defending the culture that had embraced fighting European invaders.
Fray Bartolome de las Casas (+)
Passing himself Fray Bartolome de las Casas who devoted his life to defend the peoples of Anahuac injustices, crimes and torture of the English, until the twentieth century three characters being in contact with the Anahuac Maya toltecayotl holders of its traditions and customs, which colonized the vision changed over five centuries of exclusion and denial, we have created so-called "indigenous peoples and cultures" .
; Carlos Montemayor (+)
; Carlos Montemayor (+)
In the five centuries of colonization, exclusion and devaluation, there have been men who have worked shoulder to shoulder with people like Carlos Montemayor Anahuac who dedicated his life to dignify the current literature of indigenous peoples in the country.
to the dominant culture is English for the first three centuries of Cologne (1521 to 1821). Or for neocolonial culture of "Creole," which in the past two centuries have had the power, the people and indigenous cultures have never represented a potential treasure and an asset to build the country from 1821 until today. The ideas about what should be "your country" have always come from outside. The models have been English, French and now American, but never the ancient model of social organization and Human Values \u200b\u200bAnahuac.
However, for some level of coexistence "equal" with the Anahuac Maya and thanks to his sensitivity and perception-colonized "other" (Which is unlike me), allowed them to "discover" a world of human wisdom that has been maintained through the centuries in spite of the ferocious destructive attacks of settler culture is of Spaniards, Creoles or mestizos deculturizados.
Carlos Lenkersdorf (+)
Each of these three people came to Chiapas for different reasons, but all three were "trapped" by the ancient wisdom and the "matched" with Maya Anahuac. The brothers did as they learned to listen to "the other", the "ignorant, the poor among the poor, the weakest among the weak, the" historically despised and excluded. " And these brothers illiterates learned to value life and the world differently.
; ; Samuel Ruiz (+)
These three characters are "build bridges" of communication, understanding and respect between Anahuac and endogenous ancestral culture and the mestizo and Creole, with its syncretic culture, modern foreign . Without "idealize" Anahuac culture have taught us that there is another possibility, another way of relating, ways of living in community and with nature.
Subcomandante Marcos
The feeling, thinking and acting of these three characters has bothered, bothered and disturbed the ruling circles of both the local and national Creole ideology, as the capital and neo-liberal ideology globalization. They fear that the wisdom and light of the toltecayotl awaken the immense mass of deculturalised mestizos, or as he called Dr. Guillermo Bonfil, "Indians" desindianizados "and regain their historical memory and activate the" gene bank cultural information "that everyone has in his heart.
ignorance of themselves is the most powerful weapon of neocoloinzadores. While millions of mestizos continue educating and training on the values \u200b\u200bgiven commercial television, is guaranteed another five centuries of settlement. While "Mexican" despising continue rejecting and denying the most valuable of themselves, still lost in the maze of desolation, exploitation and injustice.
Therefore, committed and consistent life of people as the linguist Carlos Lenkersdorf, Father Samuel Ruiz and the guerrilla "Marcos" will be great bridges of communication and reassessment in the search for the formation of another type of society, which runs forever, the victors and the vanquished. In which most citizens of this country are known, accepted and valued in all its historical and cultural continuity.
can not or should continue to exclude the ancestral part of our being. But do not deny that in these five centuries of syncretism and cultural appropriation have constructed to form our identity. We are a country and a host of mestizo cultures, not just the people called Indians. The third root is present in our face today, and many other peoples and cultures from around the world in Anahuac have come to find shelter.
Lenkersdorf The triple conversion, Marcos Ruiz and show us a path of pluralism and respect. Each of them did not become "Indian." Without ceasing to be what they were and what they are, only learned to see "the other" as equal respect and understand their world view and life. Why we teach that there are different ways to colonization, exclusion and exploitation to build a more just and humane nation. Visit
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