Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 George Washington Bridge Toll

RETHINKING THE NATION: reparchar or relaunch ...

The ancient Anahuac had a higher quality of life that Mexicans in our time. The quality of life in the past of ancient Mexico (Anahuac) was much higher than has been experienced from 1521 to date.

The reason is simple. The first seven and a half millennia of human development were of an endogenous and sought to improve the quality of life based on the implementation of a "pyramid of development-own-our" product of a historical-philosophical-cultural. That is, the project of civilization was in favor of the peoples and ancient cultures and based on ancient values \u200b\u200band aspirations.

is why supply systems, health, education and social organization was created and designed to improve the material and spiritual development of Anahuac. Unlike the first three centuries of colonial times, in which laws, institutions and authorities, as well as the development model was designed for the exploitation of people invaded, conquered and the extraction of natural resources for English and Iberian crown.

laws, authorities and the colonial institutions were created for the exploitation of Anahuac and the regulation of relations between the colonists and the crown. Never designed to support and encourage the development of peoples invaded.

religion brought by the invaders, settlers was a syncretism "religious-cultural-political-economic" that lacked an original source, ie, the Roman Catholic Church arrived in 1519 at Anahuac, was the product of a series of changes and adjustments that over fifteen centuries the peoples of Europe were modified in the preaching of a Jewish Messiah who tried to save his people and he refused and punished with death. So the religion of the invaders was the ancestral character, endogenous and original religion was Anahuac.

During the first three hundred years of colonization, Europeans based a system able to eradicate terror-on the surface, the religion that had thousands of years to exist in Anahuac. The colonial system has hypocritically concealed in the official history of the atrocities, injustices and crimes against humanity, not only held the Tribunal of the Inquisition, but the clergy secular and settlers, in the name of "the true God" achieved through a relentless pursuit and ferocious extermination of the old religion and its priests. The settlers managed through a complex and extensive system of terror, which he made threats, denunciations, torture and death in the quarterfinals of torment or burning people alive in the streets and forced the indigenous people present, so the Anahuac pretended to take the religion of the colonizer to preserve life literally. However, remained at the core values \u200b\u200bof the ancient religion, often with the same corrupt complicity of the colonizers.

For 1821 and after eleven years of fighting between natives and Spaniards, and due to the new conditions of the English crown from the changes that Europe was suffering from the creation of the United States in 1776 and the Revolution of the merchants in France in 1789, Creole appropriated the Viceroyalty of New Spain and founded his "own country" which they called "Mexico" in honor of the Aztecs who had beaten the first conquerors.

This new form of social organization called "republic" which was a copy of which were born in Europe and America, will remain a colony disguised which the natives will take over maintaining the unjust colonial structures, which continue to exclude and exploit the native civilization and its many peoples and cultures but now so hypocritical and demagogic. Indeed, from 1821 the struggle between natives by the economic and political power will always be disguised ideals of justice and equal citizens of the new country, which paradoxically was overwhelmingly indigenous.

The problem of the "republic of the Creoles is that during these two centuries have been more divided permanently. Yes some other Scottish Masons were Yorkinos, yes some others were conservative liberal, yes some were centralizing the others were Federalists yes some are the other PRI PAN. In these two centuries of constant fighting between natives, aliens have invaded us several times, we have removed more than half of the territory and the country has been losing sovereignty, freedom, self determination, self-sufficiency and technological development, education and especially we have lost the Cultural Identity.

Creole nation project, from 1821 to today has been very clear and simple, starting with the contempt and exclusion of the native civilization, has been used in the country, its people and resources rich natural as quickly as possible and with minimal effort, without any historical responsibility and social commitment. It has chosen to "invite" foreign capital to invest in exchange for the natives give them labor "of his country" as slaves and give them the unlimited and unrestricted access to the exploitation and destruction of natural resources, all in exchange for the Creoles do local partners.

This policy involves betting on a market for export of natural resources and cheap raw materials, and minimized the domestic market from starvation wages to keep the funds have cheap labor. Discourage food imports and agricultural production. Import machinery and technology. Disrupt and deter the domestic consumer market, as well as research and forcing you to have a low quality education to avoid having people thinking, analytical and critical of reality. But fundamentally a people alienated from itself and its historical reality. This "amnesia" historical and cultural, be aware of and can prevent full and complete settlement.

The point of this article is to analyze the living conditions of Anahuac had at least three thousand years before the invasion, and currently living conditions are "Mexicans", understood as "Anahuac unconscious" and alien to themselves, the product of five hundred years of mental colonization, cultural and spiritual.

Yes we analyzed, pushing aside the native ideology, quality of life of Anahuac in 1521 with that of a Europe of that time, it would an average inhabitant of Tenochtitlan had a quality of life far superior to that of a Madrid or Paris average.

Indeed, food quality, hygiene, health, education and the system of social organization, was much higher in Tenochtitlán in any European city those times even though he was living the most intense period of cultural decadence transgressions that the Mexica were the Toltec spiritual thought. Soil levels, poor nutrition, without access to education and social injustice European serfs lived compared to the opulence of the monarchy were truly dramatic.

in Anahuac But life had another meaning. Spirituality and the quest for community welfare were the main avenues in which human development was passing. Little by little we know and have been interested to study with a critical and analytical way they have written history-colonial conquerors. The biased writings of Hernan Cortes and Bernal Diaz del Castillo, among many others, remain "reliable sources" of history colonial official and neocolonizers.

mental and spiritual colonization has been tremendous. In the XXI century still called "Indians" to Anahuac, its history is called "Hispanic" and defeat the invader-conquering "The Battle of the sad night." Mental colonization has been canceled and castrated to plunge us into the labyrinth of the desolation of being foreigners in their own land uncultivated. Neglecting one's own and exalting furiously wildly alien.

try to do an analysis of the life situation of our Old Grandparents Anahuac, our reality of "third world Mexicans."

The Anahuac had a solid food system. They were vegetarian but ate lots of vegetables, fruits, seeds, insects, little meat turkey, Xoloescuincle, duck, rabbit and deer. There was eaten with butter and less oil. Were self-sufficient, technologically solvents in the production of food. The Mexicans eat fried food, junk foods, soft drinks, sweets, fats polyunsaturated, food colorings, flavorings, chemical preservatives. We lost food self-sufficiency, import food and technology.

95% of food on base is produced by corporations. Television and radio impunity determine the eating habits of people with the complicity of the authorities. Food, nutrition not Mexicans, is a double business for foreign companies, as the expensive eating junk food the people are sick and falls victim to the increasingly strong private medical market.

The Anahuac had a sophisticated and complex health care system. This began with strict customs and health habits such as daily bathing with cold water and community responsibility for health. The houses, public buildings, squares and streets are kept extremely clean through customs and traditions very rigorous and strict enforcement, where the "common good" was more important than personal interest.

They had an amazing and complex knowledge of the human body, its anatomy and diseases. It is assumed that before the invasion of Anahuac owned 75% of the planet's biodiversity. It had a very effective knowledge of the medicinal use of plants, insects, animals and minerals to maintain health. It became very complicated operations to the human body, starting with the burr. The concept of health had deep psychological connotations, spiritual and social, with the responsibility of the authorities.

Mexicans are mired in ignorance and we are helpless victims of powerful corporations corporations and their partners, the mass media. Public health systems have been minimized and dismantled since the introduction of economic neoliberalism and the trend is to privatize health services. 90% of patent medicines have transnational laboratories. Mexicans disease is a lucrative business for the settlers.

The first compulsory education system, public and free of the history of mankind as created Anahuac. At least since 1500 BC there was already telpochcalli the cuicacalli and calmécac. Anahuac all children, regardless of social status, had to go to school for seven years and ended between 18 and 25, by level of education attained. Didactic pedagogy and Toltec have reached our days in the cultural education that we own our homes and communities, particularly indigenous and peasant. Historically and culturally educated people are Anahuac.

Indeed, one thing is the "instruction" which is the transmission of knowledge, and quite another the "education", which involves the transmission of values. For this reason the people of Mexico in the last five centuries in spite of not having gone to school, are essentially "very educated."

could say that the education system was one of the most important pillars of civilization of Anahuac, where rudeness human development. This education system explains the high level of awareness of companies Anahuac, the thousand years of cultural splendor and mega construction projects, which as in the case of Monte Alban, took more than three centuries from generation to generation and reflect the high spiritual aspirations embodied in the material (archaeological sites).

education Instead of Mexicans began tenuously in 1931 with the creation of the SEP. It has always been a "statement" to create cadres of workers and employees. With a wholly colonizer who rejected all value and knowledge of the civilization of Anahuac and has always taken foreign educational models. The Mexican educational system has tried successfully to remove the values, principles, languages, knowledge, attitudes of the ancient cultures. Indigenous education-from Vasconcelos was the Europeanization of indigenous peoples, peasants and mestizos. The "professor" has been an effective element colonizer-colonized. Mexican education has never really tried to raise awareness and liberate the people, only literate and prepare to be meek and resigned workers employed for the inhumane labor market. Work-buy-pay, low-cost labor.

Characters nationally and Jongitud Elba Esther Gordillo Barrios or are the epitome of Mexican master "winner in the system, but abundant in state and the regions. Miles squads "flyers" which nourish the political system at all three levels of government. During the seven decades of PRI, education was a vital part of the political system. In the PAN's perspective is to make education a business, school and student a franchise product. Ignorance is the source of wealth and injustice of the settlers, but the "ignorance of themselves is the essence and presence of colonization in Mexico.

The system of social organization is one of the Anahuac of the older, proven and effective of all mankind. With at least three and a half millennia of experience, Anahuac communitarianism is based on "participatory democracy." The assembly, the cargo system, the tequio or community work, vocation and value to serve the community, strengthening the "common good over private interest, the spiritual over the material development, arts education and harmony with nature are some of the elements that have been developed and refined over more than 35 centuries of life in the community.

few civilizations in the contemporary world have this long experience and accumulated wisdom and systematized social organization, which has been facing great challenges and enormous challenges, including of course the invasion-European settlement.

Indeed, despite its historical death, the ancestral forms of organization Anahuac remain valid and permanent adaptation and resistance in a large number of indigenous and rural communities " Contemporary Mexico. " Despite the systematic aggression of the economic and political interests, "uses and customs "are maintained. They are the last defense of cultural and natural heritage of the peoples of Anahuac, in the greed of transnational corporations and the complicity of the authorities of the three levels of government.

The people of Mexico has a wealth of wisdom that has given back. The colonizer has taught us-for-profit prey to neglect, ignore and destroy this legacy of human wisdom to organize, direct and coordinate the efforts and resources of the community for their material and immaterial and the construction of a future more just and humane.

Mexicans however, have since 1821 a government ideology neocolonized Creole character. Copy a political, economic and social revolution that created the Burgesa of 1789 in France. The economic, political, social and cultural rights are almost the same as the English mainland implemented after the invasion and that were in force in the three centuries of colonial period (1521-1821).

Since 1821 the Creole social explosion winners 1810, expelled the Spaniards and from fratricidal wars betrayals, coups, finally manage to create "home" which is excluded from civilization, peoples and cultures of Anahuac.

After further social unrest in 1910 driven by U.S. interests, the Creoles reorient its economic development model, now favoring the United States away from Europe . For the decade of the eighties discarded the national model and will be subject to the neoliberal model doomed to people and "their country" to assume a position of "neoesclavismo" and periphery blatant submission to transnational capital. In the midst of the most terrible crisis of corruption, impunity and ineptitude PAN governments are unable or indifferent as neocolonial native state collapses.

The illegality, injustice and insensitivity of politicians of all colors, coupled with the historic inability of natives to govern and manage "his country" have led to this national catastrophe. Mexicans are powerless, alienated and disorganized. Powerless before the debacle caused by the ruling class with native ideology that is submissive to the letter mandates supranational financial capital. In the absence of rule of law and the reduction of the state, Mexicans have fallen helpless in the hands of numerous organized criminal gangs working in the lords of the economy, finance, politics, crime and drug trafficking.

In conclusion, the quality and standard of living achieved the Anahuac, is by far much higher than they've had and have the "Mexicans." The difference is that the objectives, institutions, laws and authorities Anahuac, were created from and to promote the harmonious development of the people of Anahuac. Unlike the colonial and neocolonial project of the Spaniards, Creoles and foreigners who have sought to promote foreign interests of other governments and peoples. The Viceroyalty of New Spain, Mexico and its people, in general, have never been an end in itself but a means to greater economic and political power through the exploitation of native peoples and their seemingly inexhaustible resources natural for the colonial matrix.

Given the crisis that Mexicans are living the dilemma is "re-patch" neocolonial system again or re-establish a new society with a new state, which is suppressed colonial practices. Yes the road was the second, the "inspiration" of the new country called Anahuac undoubtedly would toltecayotl. It is not back to the past or turn this country into a huge museum, on the contrary, it would re-think this new partnership with the ancestral principles and values \u200b\u200bof the six oldest civilizations of mankind. As China and India are doing, in the face of modernity but sustained in the ancestral tradition. Thereupon the future of Mexico is its ancient past.

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