Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Donate Dresses Indianapolis


From 1521 those who have been in power in is now Mexico, have never been part of the values, principles, knowledge and above all, people and culture that have been invaded, colonized and exploited.

; by Diego Rivera Cortes

From Hernán Cortés Felipe Calderón, to Agustín de Iturbide, and Miguel Diaz German, all without exception have excluded the ancient civilization of their plans: Christianization, civilization, progress, modernization, integration, development and globalization.

Porfirio by David Alfaro Siqueiros Diaz

For owners of the money power, original peoples and cultures at most have had little value for tourism and folklore, but in general, have been "shameful part of their country." Everything about the native cultures has only been delayed, ignorance and bad taste. The Mexican state until the early twentieth century started giving him a tiny so-called value to archaeological sites.

Thus, neglect, looting and destruction of cultural heritage of the ancient civilization of Anahuac was permanent. The voracious foreign looters and their patrons, museums and collectors have stolen everything they wanted with impunity.

Gomora Xokonoschtletl

The Mexican government has shown its tolerance and indifference and even complicity in the return the nation's heritage country illegally removed. The long and warm matter of "the return of Montezuma Plume" by the Austrian authorities, shows that the State Criollo no interest in renewing a symbol of a "cultural identity that rejects and denies."

Toltec symbol Nahui Papalotl balance

The Mexican Government not only must fight to reinstate the Cultural Heritage Anahuac removed from the country, but essentially should launch an ongoing national campaign to re-mean, re-evaluate and include in the training and education of Mexican the wonderful legacy of wisdom in human values \u200b\u200band principles, which is the civilization of Anahuac.

This civilization, however much you want to exclude, terminate and give up for dead and missing, is alive and effective. That the dominant culture and the Creoles in power economic and political not want to see, does not mean it exists. Not in commercial television does not mean she's dead. Or to put it in the manner of Dr. Guillermo Bonfil Batalla. The fact that the "imaginary Mexico" does not see and does not take into account various models of development to "deep Mexico" does not mean it does not exist.

The crisis of global economic and political model and the collapse of the Creole State "imaginary Mexico" incapacity and corruption, it is necessary to find a solution root from the base to solve the problems of injustice, violence, exploitation and exclusion that has suffered the peoples living in what was the territory of Anahuac and now the natives call "Mexico" ... as if we were all "Mexica" of Tenochtitlan.

The social upheavals of 1810 and 1910, regardless of economic and political interests that promoted incidentally, were echoed by the "great people" by high levels of injustice , misery and exploitation that have lived in the almost five centuries of colonization and neocolonialism.

The point is that the impending social explosion, we are concerned to come, due to blindness, insensitivity and inability of the ruling class (economic and political) that the people for the third time to explode violently after a bloodbath and social destruction, everything changes so that everything remains the same, as happened in 1810 and 1910.

need to have another, "notion of state." We can not and should not continue to import political models, economic and ideological especially abroad. Peoples and cultures of this country we have a legacy of wisdom about the oldest social organization of mankind. And we can say we achieved the highest level of human development in the history of the planet in the Classic period (200 BC to 850 AD).

is not "return to the past" and get huehue feathers and touch the pyramids. This is in contrast to re-think, design, build a new society with ancient experience of our ancestors. With its perennial values, principles, attitudes, both individually, and personally, and especially in the communal. A new company with the best of our past and the best of our present global.

need to rebuild the values \u200b\u200bof life, man, family and society. Re-designing the social reason and purpose of the existence of the state. Develop a new "social purpose." Retaking the government as "public good" most valuable people. Update and geralizar at all three levels of government, "the command-obedience" public service in the exercise of "participatory democracy." Back to the essence of ancient education to form "faces own true hearts" in childhood and youth. Re-planted community work in the construction of a new society in which they are gone forever, "the victors and the vanquished."

We must thoroughly review the values \u200b\u200bof honesty, the public good, truth, community service, the word, solidarity, fairness, tolerance, respect for authority. Review the value of responsibility, existential both personal, such as family, community and nation.

These and other intangible cultural heritage, legacy of over seven and a half millennia of human development, are we to recover, preserve and enhance for all have "a better life." Not only the "Plume of Montezuma" or converted into common archaeological sites resorts, as "pre-Hispanic disenylandias" to attract more dollars and make the rich richer.

The future of our society and our country is unquestionably in its ancient past. This treasure is not material and never have seen or have not wanted to see the settlers. This treasure is alive and well in "subjects" which are the continuation of "The Old Grandfather." Is present at the bottom of our heart and conscience to be numb.

The difficult challenge of our times is to "activate the gene bank information cultural ", which is present in every person living in this ancient Holy Land. On the bank of information come to us like a flood, all the wisdom and experience accumulated in more than sixty centuries of decant our stuff and sharpen our community spirit in balance with nature.

More information http://www.toltecayotl.org/


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