Scenes of jubilation were lived in Tahrir Square in the capital, President Hosni Mubarak resigned and the Army took control of the government, and l Former President of Egypt and members of his family left on Friday February 11 in Cairo, so that hours after the president announced his resignation, and octogenarian Egyptian leader went l in the direction of the Sinai Peninsula from an air base on the outskirts of the Egyptian capital, said Al Arabiya, and mong therefore an extremely tense breathing near the presidential palace in Cairo, where he gathered 10,000 people, supporters and opponents of Mubarak, Arab adena c reported that clashes between the two sides began Hosni Mubarak had announced the intention to stay in office until presidential elections in September 2011, but transferred to the vice Omar Suleiman the powers of head of state in foreign policy and internal features reserved to reshape the government, dissolve parliament and amendments to the Constitution in force, s or decision disappointed the West, which he described those steps as insufficient for change, and outraged hundreds of thousands of Egyptians from the January 25 demand the immediate resignation of Mubarak in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egyptian Army l reiterated its support to the population, and said he will take the reins at this stage of transition, the military's supreme council, the minister of Defense to the head, has asked people to return to normal, announced that it will guarantee the complete lifting of the state Except once the country returns to normality, and the peaceful transfer of power.
Source: MAIL freedom
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