European countries have decided to reconsider the nuclear option, after decades of boycott of nuclear energy, oil at exorbitant prices, dependence on Russian energy supplies, instability in Iraq and Iran, China and strong demand India, and climate change as an excuse, have encouraged European politicians dare to reopen the nuclear debate to voters, but this new power of the atom reminded Europeans to Chernobyl, the accident arose from human error that caused the outbreak of reactor number 4 in the former Soviet Union and scattered nuclear poison, still active in the territory of European Union of Environmentalists British study says that 40% of the land of the European Union has a very high dose of radioactive pollution, the toxic cloud of Chernobyl still affects hundreds of thousands of livestock, subject to strict sanitary controls, several European Union countries also maintain restrictions on the movement of certain animal and plant species, which is still contaminated.
The International Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report with satellite imagery of the toxic cloud, showing how in the days after the tragedy, toured Europe, composed of elements such as cesium 137, with an average life of 30 years, "The highest concentrations of volatile nuclides and fuel particles were in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, "says the 90-page report, Chernobyl The other report, which handles data collected by the European Commission since 1998, " Close of 3,900,000 square kilometers of Europe were contaminated by cesium-137 (in excess of 4,000 Bq/m2), 40% of the surface of Europa " , Austria was the country most exposed to the radioactive cloud, while Finland and Sweden was contaminated 5% of its territory, at lower levels of contamination, Germany, with 44% of contaminated land and the UK, with 34%, were among the countries that emerged from the old worse off Europe.
British food authorities have issued information to the effect that "due to pollution caused by the accident at Chernobyl, sheep in certain areas of UK still contain levels of radioactivity above safety limits, "the report adds that the cesium-137 passes from the land to grass, and grazed along the UK, the food traffic restrictions remain in Sweden and Finland, which mainly affect the reindeer and forest products, the former NO Soviet Union handled a disaster and minimize tried to hide until the last moment, the war of numbers is served and while critics and proponents of nuclear power take hold of the data that best fit their political choice, in times of Nuclear Renaissance in Europe, do not seem to shed much light on what happened the day the Chernobyl spat their venom to half the world.
Source: Islam Web
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