Friday, November 26, 2010

Where Can Herpes Appear On The Body

Indigenous women and the habits and customs ... "the straw in the alien culture."

From 1521 the original cultures in what is now Mexico, were doomed to exclusion and contempt. Countless lies, half truths and malicious interpretations Described as "primitive and inhuman" in the discourse of the dominant culture.

In fact, the people called "Indians" are the cultural descendants of the civilization of Anahuac, which thanks to its cultural vitality and strength have been able to survive their historical death . These heroic people have created a strong "culture of resistance" to face the onslaught of "discovery, conquest, colonization, Christianization, progress, extension, modernity, development, neoliberalism and globalization." "Mexicans muuderrnus "continue to see native peoples and cultures like the sixteenth-century English. Or as trustees settlers to exploit and plunder. Or as missionaries to protect them and integrate them. But we have never seen as equals and holders of ancestral wisdom that can help us build a better society.

Few people have had the sensitivity and humility to see and appreciate the ancient wisdom of the original peoples and cultures. We can cite Guillermo Bonfil, Carlos Rubén Bonifaz and Lenkersdorf. In general, for intellectuals "Mexican" indigenous cultures have nothing to teach and less to contribute in the construction of reality and the "national culture." In part this happens because of the ignorance of themselves, their insensitivity and above all, mental and spiritual colonization they have received in these five centuries of foreign occupation.

Until the EZLN uprising in Chiapas, in Mexico there were no "Indians." There was poor and marginalized "should be incorporated to progress and modernity."

Thanks to the sacrifice of Anahuac del EZLN insurgents, millions of Mexicans, "first met the problems of indigenous peoples, if exploited, plundered, deprived and excluded. For the first time in five centuries their demands were in the national arena.

Before the onslaught of transnational financial capital and Creoles, who seek to take away their land and natural resources, and to the gentle delivery that governments have the right national sovereignty, indigenous peoples and peasants (which is not the same but the same), are being attacked by "public opinion", you understand, the press, radio, television and political parties, to make them look as "backward, retardant, stubborn and inhuman", the antithesis of progress and modernity.

The idea is to remove (among many things) the uses and customs which govern themselves without the intervention of political parties (which "split" and fragment the society). Indeed, as in participatory democracy of communities, politicians and business interests MNCs are not allowed to bully and corrupt "authorities" in order to grab its resources to exploit and plunder the minerals, forests, land, etc., it is necessary to change "the system of customs and traditions" by "parties politicians ", where as we know, a handful of people making decisions in the shadows to" promote the progress "in a swamp of corruption, since" the private interest of the transnational harms the public good of the community, their coats are water table , forests, land, etc.

Thus, each year, communities are pressured by corrupt officials and politicians or ignorant, to leave their "ancestral customs" that impede progress and "lucrative." This pressure "local" is supported by a national strategy in the mass media to make the public think that they lose their ancient traditions and customs, indigenous people are coming into our progress and release of "burdens that impede their full development. "

Within This campaign is the trite and false idea that indigenous cultures are backward and inhuman. And the case of mistreatment and exclusion of "indigenous women" is a favorite, it hits the sensitivity of the population, lack of information and colonization, judges and condemns what is not known on the merits and without prejudice to people and a culture unknown.

Yes, "male abuse" on "indigenous women" is a hackneyed theme and a common room to discuss the backward and inhuman "uses and customs" of indigenous peoples and their "ancestral backwardness." But very few have lived for years with them, as Carlos Lenkersdorf and his wife were nearly 30 years learning the language and culture tojolabal.

Lenkersdorf valuable books written about the values \u200b\u200band principles that have indigenous peoples and which undoubtedly have their origin in the toltecayotl. We highly recommend his work: Men true, philosophize on key and learn to listen tojolabal . It is a must read for those who want to colonize their vision of themselves and peoples and native cultures of our time.

Few know the ancient wisdom of one of the oldest civilizations of mankind, which achieved the highest standard of living in the planet's history. Totally ignorant toltecayotl (1) and ignored the system of state terrorism that suffered for three hundred years of colonial and ecclesiastical authorities, to lose their identity and culture. And "do not see, do not listen and do not feel" the system of exclusion, injustice and exploitation that we have submitted to the peoples and cultures originating these last two hundred years in shaping "the Mexican nation."

These unprecedented five centuries of oppression, indigenous women were the weaker party in which they taught the conquerors, settlers, bosses, cops, farmers, traders, officials, and now, business owners and their maquiladoras. Is not the same "women Anahuac" Classic period in a wholly "nostrica" \u200b\u200b(2), a woman in a maquiladora in Ciudad Juarez today. Or a woman selling cloth dolls Otomi in Mexico City.

Women in general, but especially indigenous and rural people have always defended their children, their spouses, their lands, their customs and languages, so that if the original cultures have survived to date has been for the struggle and active participation of women in the community.

I do not mean that "all indigenous customs and practices" are perfect. In these five centuries, many things have been lost to other enchuecado ... to survive. But the truth is that they are the indigenous communities which are making their own decisions to change or eradicate its traditions and customs as noted Lenkersdorf. What is immoral is that transnational economic interests and local politicians are trying to change-from outside-cultural forms of indigenous peoples to take advantage of a divided society, where people are losing social control and organization for representative democracy is remote and connected to a macro system that emanates from Mexico City, passing through the state capital, comes to the municipal and the community there (the system of political parties).

indigenous women
Yes vote, "thereby improving their condition of poverty and exclusion from the dominant culture? The women of Ciudad Juarez and all the exploited and marginalized of the country, who are the majority, have improved their vote his miserable condition? When the community is the custom, by the assembly decision makers in public and all involved, the authorities "obeying the assembly." When a community has entered the political parties are all against all and divide the people because it always a minority in the shadows making decisions in general, not conducive to the interest and the common good.

All those who are "interested in freeing the Indian woman", why not release first urban and suburban women who also lives in the injustice, exploitation and exclusion and who are the majority in this country. Millions of women who maintain a household with starvation wages and underemployment. Sexually abused and harassed, not only in public transport and on the street, but in their own work and in her own home. Domestic violence is truly shocking and becoming a pandemic, both in affluent households as in the popular (see the gruesome case of the Chief's son Diego, David Fernandez de Cevallos). The "modern woman" is a sexual object and commercial, has lost its values \u200b\u200band traditional principles in the dominant culture. Mexico is the Latin American country that has more femicide. In national politics, the deputies "Johnny" (3), is not a form of abuse? The family has been devalued and fragmented and no one says and does nothing. Why?

Those who know the daily life Anahuac in indigenous communities in this country, we can say without fear of contradiction that despite the poverty they are forced to live in the midst of his contradictions, indigenous women have a better quality of life than urban women, as to dignity, rights and social recognition. And the communities that live under the system of customs and traditions, citizens are more involved in making decisions about their government, that citizens who live under the abuse of authority inept, corrupt and simulators that "we chose with our vote ".

is undeniable that indigenous women and the customs of native peoples are experiencing difficult times due to the dire poverty and the greed of the transnational private sector for their lands and natural resources that the Plan Puebla Panama and gave them to exploit . But it is also undeniable that the urban and suburban women, as well as family and education of "non-Indians, are living much more difficult moments. Superlative violence, both the state and the organized crime, drug trafficking, economic neoliberalism, the lack of employment, access to education and health services has become a hell to live in these "times modern "cities and slums of the dominant culture. And it is undeniable that the government system of "representative democracy" is living the worst moment of his short story. The political class, political parties and politics have fallen into total degradation. The struggle for power within parties and between them by the government is pathetic and immoral.

never before, women and the system of government, from the dominant culture had experienced a situation as degraded as that currently being experienced in all the country.

Why mainstream media are "the straw in the foreign culture and do not see the beam in your eye crossed bring?

And to show what we say, here are "some buttons"

"Mexico City ranks first in communal violence against women, including violence up within households, where seven of every 10 women claimed to suffer. This index, which reflects how women are exposed to various types of violence after leaving his home, transportation and streets, must decrease with prevention, care and access to justice, said Martha Lucia Micher, director of the Institute of Women of Mexico City. " Day 24 November. 2010.

"Mexico ranks first in the world ranking of violent deaths of women in countries not at war, according to the Centro Reina Sofia, which evaluated 135 countries, said Ana Güezmes, regional director of the Development Fund for Women United Nations, on the eve of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. " Day 24 November. 2010.

"The women in Ciudad Juarez" and "the dead women of Juarez" are two expressions which refers to the amount of murders and murders of women in Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua, usually young and poor women. Without reference to torture them before killing them. By the population has accused the authorities of passivity, as in many cases it is unclear responsibility for such crimes. 7565 cases were initiated for the missing women. " Wikipedia.


Until 10 years ago, the Most expressions of violence against women were targeted at housewives, and are now more focused on workers or students of higher levels of education, said Angelica Gloria Careaga Pérez, a professor at the School of Psychology (FP) of the UNAM.En International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, said that this problem has reduced the age range, because the aggression in couples now start from the noviazgo.Aunque physical violence is the most obvious, its other manifestations are present in various areas of daily life. "If you look at the structure of relationships in which we move, we could say that female gender is subject to countless acts of violence, not only exercised in the marital relationship or dating, but also in the structure of the system, "apuntó.Vista so, the violence is so naturalized in our society that is considered "normal" that women earn less than men and have little access to political life, he said. "Boletín UNAM-744-DGCS 24/11/1910

"The Human Rights Centre Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez accused the Mexican government of encouraging violence against women. Gave the example of impunity in the case of sexual torture against detainees in San Salvador Atenco during the police raid on 3 and 4 May 2006. "La Jornada 25/11/1910

"In Mexico, the fight against organized crime has obscured the phenomenon of killing women and therefore urged to return the proposed definition of the crime submitted to the federal Congress December 2008, called the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico to occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands of University City's National Autonomous University of Mexico, Map of femicide in the country. "La Jornada 25/11/1910

"Ending impunity for perpetrators of women, calls Ebrard. This year 850 men have been charged criminally for sexual abuse he says. La Jornada 11/25/1910

"Being a woman is a disadvantage in the race for leadership National Action Party (PAN), the prevailing discrimination against females, said former Senator Cecilia Romero Castillo, aspiring to that position. "La Jornada 26/11/1910


1. "toltecayotl" the sum and systematize the ancient wisdom of the civilization of Anahuac.

2. "Nostrica" \u200b\u200bCarlos Lenkersdorf term used that refers to the concept of "us" community, which , contrasted against the individual "I" of the dominant culture.

3. "Congresswomen Juanita" a term used to refer to the Members who are forced to resign to take place male deputy deputy.


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