Sunday, October 24, 2010

Claw Machine Game Online

* The antithesis of consumerism consumption.

* The common good versus private interests.

* Intelligence versus alienation.

The "modern thought", which is nothing but the ideas behind capitalism symbolically born in 1776 with the creation of the United States (1), and begins to attack pollution and the ancient civilizations and ways social organization on the planet since 1789, with the world's first bourgeois revolution in France (2) which was promoted and financed by the merchants.

This model sees the human being and nature as objects that could become "commodities." While humans can "explode" through "labor" and nature is a source of wealth through predation. The global money owners, merchants, by "party democracy" (3) may bring the people to be delivered as helpless goods to powerful market forces.

's vision of a super mega evil force, which governs all the peoples of the world through money, goods, trade and consumption. World where there are no cultures, languages, traditions, customs, religions, currency, authorities, constitutions, institutions, borders, flags. A "perfect" world which is governed by the inexorable laws of the market and where the human being is excluded from decision making and that Mammon is worshiped in his dazzling temples, now called "mega mall" and skyscrapers of economic power. World in which differences are given by the purchasing power and citizens to become consumers and the money the supreme good of the system.


Since the merchants fleeing the ancient laws that restricted access to power in the Middle East, reached the European mainland guests by the Frankish king Pepin the Short and Charlemagne continued with his son, who wanted to create the first great empire in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire through her whole family had a "royal blood", which legalized "before God " his term on earth by "the descendants of David" (dadivianos) (4).

The old merchants have developed a strategy to take over the world. First did so through economic and ideological conquest of the European peoples Warriors (barbarians from the North) and then with them and their economic power (Judeo-Anglo-Saxon) (5), go conquering and subjecting all the peoples of the world integer. From the Frankish kingdom to Iraq (6).

For thousands of years since man became aware of "Being", sought to satisfy their material needs then give meaning to their lives, to find transcendence in the highest satisfaction of spiritual needs . The consciousness of "being" transformed the world into a sacred space. Human divinity comes from the revelation of this mystery. "Human" is the space of encounter between the world's tangible and intangible material of the spiritual world. The historical and archaeological origin six autonomous civilizations we unanimously confirm that the vertex higher human development of each of these villages was in the "liberation of the Spirit of the matter."

The peoples of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anahuac, China, India and lived for millennia Tawantinsuyu whole building their different cultures and civilizations from the supreme vision of liberation Spirit of the matter. In various forms and in various ways addressed the same point. His "philosophy" and their religions, with different variants seeking the same path of realization and individual and collective fulfillment. All had a sustained leadership in human virtue through developing, through education of human nobility. Understood, not a bloodline or decision of a hereditary character, but by achieving a high awareness, high responsibility and learned of the spiritual potential of the individual and society.

Gautama Buddha
The human condition is imperfection. For this, nothing is perfect in human life would lose its essence. The pursuit of virtue is a journey, not a goal. The six ancient civilizations passed this way with their "ups and downs" and none has ever reached "perfection", but the search and the daily struggle of that perfection or "virtue" is what gives meaning to their existence, so individual and collective. This is the great secret and the highest human wisdom, taking into account that "true" transcendent "reality", not seen or touched, and that material immediate and is only a "mirage."

Well, all ancient peoples of the world, all different ways have been sought for the same fate. However, the culture created by merchants in Europe, which is the latest in the world and symbolically since 1492 has initiated the "discovery, conquest and exploitation" of the world and now owns not only the economic, financial, commercial, technological, military and ideological, but basically the world's cultural. Indeed, from Wall Street, past the Pentagon, news and production chains of multimedia "international" and connected electronically with the stock exchanges of New York, London and Tokyo, merchants through their world view and life-that is financial, materialistic and consumer-have succeeded in imposing their culture and its "historical truth."

In fact, merchants have been led to believe that "the world and the relationship of human beings and nature" have always been the same, as is today (exploitation-predation-consumption). Ie, individualistic, materialistic and hedonistic. The new world religion is the worship of Mammon and his priests are "businessmen" and the "divine fire" is money. Have made us think through the media that religion, spirituality, the ancient tradition is the product of "ignorance" and the primitive state. Individualism, competition and economic power are the way of "modern virtue." Money and consumer literally at any price "and" deregulation "not only of laws that protect the common good over private interest, but basically the" liberalization "of all social rules (Moral, ethical) that allow a society "without limits" are the culmination of a society where "freedom" (personal and corporate) is the essence and foundation of their existence.

human beings around the planet for millennia lived enthroned values \u200b\u200bthat had nothing to do with the consumption of goods, hoarding and individualism. It's just 234 years ago with the creation of U.S. and world view and life, human beings are living in a growing "hypermaterialism hedonist" which annihilates the human, family, community and at the same planet.

The belief that human beings live to buy and own, and that consumption is the highest experience of human existence, is the ideological base of merchants and Market. Would have us believe that human beings from the beginning of time have always been driven by these values \u200b\u200band their personal and collective life was always supported by the material world alone. That greed, avarice, hoarding, usury, the desire to possess and consume is what has prompted all the people in the "history of mankind." But it is just the reverse, mankind has lived for millennia in the quest for spiritual transcendence of material existence in its various levels and their multifaceted cultural expressions. Communalism, solidarity and fraternity have always been present in the lives of individuals, families and communities. Human nature is biophilous, but is subject to powerful gravitational forces that corrupt matter. Death, in any case has been for all the most important experience of life.

The idea of \u200b\u200bconsumption has poisoned the heart of human beings "modern." Believing that life is the space to own and buy as the supreme goal of existence. That the "immediate material world" is only reality and that "the here and now" is true and what counts. There is nothing beyond the limited perception of the material "world" (7). That man went from cave to slavery, feudalism, monarchy, and that capitalism is the most advanced social organization. The merchants had through "official history of the evolution of the world" have "universalized" the official history of Europe and have spread and become "real" for all peoples of the world. Have described the ancient and wise social organization of the six civilizations Mother and other peoples of the world as inhumane, frivolous and abusive, putting the market and the "party democracy" as the most advanced expression and "libertarian" of human organization . When it has been completely the opposite. Humanity has never experienced an imperial dictatorship as oppressive, unjust and global as capitalism. Party democracy understood as the government of the owners of the money through to politicians on behalf of the people to serve their narrow interests that have always attack against the common good of humanity and nature.

merchants through science, technology and capital have amputee to man the right to work and have fixated on consumption. For millennia throughout the entire planet, human beings could through his intelligence, skills and experience, could find a way to meet their limited material needs. His connection with nature in general was friendly. He took from nature what was needed and it could recover. With the Industrial Revolution (mid-eighteenth century) the machine began to move labor and to this day the worker does not require experience, skill and intelligence. They have become insignificant and expendable support of machines and mass production. The worker S. XXI does not work and instead have many useless things to buy with "chquitos fertilizers."

Well, the aim of this study is to analyze the concept of "SELF" as an ancient expression of attitude toward the world and life, full of human wisdom and leave the limited economic and material sense now given in the language of economics. The consumption is an ancient expression of life, an interpretation and meaning, not only the world but mainly the reason for human existence. Given that "human beings are not born only to eat, but eat to live." And life and the material world are only a means and not an end of life. The consumption is sustained in the wisdom, sobriety, thrift, and above all, intelligence. Living with the gist of a material nature to devote much energy and time (individual and collective) to look and work the spiritual significance of existence.

The consumption suggests that what we have or can produce is what you should eat. What is not and there is not consumed. What exists or can one do exist without an excess of spending excessive time and energy is what is needed. Out of this line is losing energy and time to "force the world to be as one has taught advertising and merchants should be. Call "the world" to what is material and therefore "apparent" (8). In fact, the real and vital not touched or seen, only felt.

The philosophy of self is based on the understanding ancient universal human nature. Frugality, austerity, simplicity and humility are the values \u200b\u200band principles underpinning the culture of consumption. It is then the intelligence and wisdom that allows individuals and peoples to achieve regulate their traditions and customs under the precepts of life.

Conversely, individuals and ignorant and uncivilized peoples are characterized by build up their lives in the material, consumption, comfort, competition, violence and immediacy. This class of individuals and peoples, having no spiritual sustenance and a transcendent goal goal, found in consumption "realization", which finally condemned to desolation and decay.

Differentiate "the apparent reality" in the world and life, is the great challenge of conscious human beings. The forces of "darkness" imprison the human being in the limited space of the subject and the immediacy. "Modern societies" encourage and sponsor, directly or indirectly the alienation and ignorance of their people. Old attack religions and encourage the creation of new and bizarre sects that divide and confront society, creating fanatical individuals, insensitive and individualistic.

Oaxacan peasant Jesus Leon Santos awarded the "Noble" ecology

The philosophy of self is still a valuable tool for face the world and life, even in our times and in consumer societies and urban areas. This philosophy gives us strength and resilience "abstract purpose of life." It invites us to turn this human drama in a challenge and challenges can not be good or bad big or small, are simply challenges.

In the XXI century and in the midst of a great metropolis could a conscious human being, implement in daily life philosophy of self. It is not going to plant a family garden in a median of a street or terrace Masetos small department. Should and must be more creative and challenging.

is instead to assume consciously and intelligently challenge of living in a society that is "fabricated" so that people do not think, do not feel, do not decide. The point is to confront with courage and resilience to the media that routinely brutalizes poisons the heart and mind. Say NO to radio and commercial television and have the personal power to be selective and inflexible. Have the inner strength to not be "trapped" by the publicity, dressers, shopping centers and shallow friendships.

Knowing what is not wanted. What not is necessary and what is indispensable. Being selfish and greedy with our time and energy. Do not waste it with people and objects, superfluous and unnecessary. Focus on "true" and put aside the apparent "material world." Invest and work necessary to get the basics necessary and could spend as long as possible and more energy to "real things" in the world and life. It is believing in yourself, deep and true, essentially.

have a philosophy of self is self-define their own priorities the world and life. Is to find "the center" and find "balance" in what we feel, think, say and do. Differentiate "the true from the apparent", the immediacy of the transcendent. " The County living with intelligence and wisdom, austerity and sobriety. Away from the "market noise and clamor of merchants." You learn to dialogue with "the enemy within." Is to define a project and take their own life as the world's indispensable material to build a solid and real life. Recognize himself in the mirror of Tezcatlipoca smoking. Florida Battle sculpted in a "face himself and a true heart."


1) Before the creation of EU did not exist in the world countries, only kingdoms, empires, federations, sultanates, etc., But not countries as we conceive them today.

2) The French Revolution was fueled and financed by the bourgeoisie who wanted to overthrow the monarchy to take over political, economic, social and cultural, not only of France but of Europe. During the nineteenth century wars between "Republicans and monarchists" spread in mainland Europe and triggered the "independence" of the English colonies in America.

3) The strategy of the merchants is to fragment and divide society. Is easier to master than single individuals and break the interests of the common good, represented in groups that have always divided his time between itself and bridled. So the concept of political parties, just "part and divided 'society against the interests of merchants and the market.

4) "In the V century, the Roman Empire has collapsed under the pressure of the barbarians. One of the ephemeral kingdoms that arise from the ruins of Rome decan (the original cut) rich and the title of Duke of Toulouse, he married Auda Martel, Pepin the Short's sister. Was thus set up a free Jewish state in southern France, in Provence, including the possessions of the Frankish kingdom in Spain. A son of the heir of David, Carolingian turn his mother's side, was sent as ambassador to Baghdad to claim a certain degree sovereignty over Jerusalem to the future emperor Charlemagne. And indeed, a Patriarch, Zacharias, was the bearer of such recognition, leading to far Frankish kingdom a key and a banner of the holy city . The Frankish kings were said now heirs of the kings of Jerusalem and erected, therefore, leaders of Christianity. (Review Year Zero. Arries Francisco Javier, Jose A. Campaign.)

5) The Carolingian dynasty sought to join the blood of King David of Judah and Israel (971 BC) to legitimize. It seems that he got by Makhan David (730-793) exilarch Baghdad (Babylon), head and heir of the royal House of David, who was called to France by Pepin III, king of the Franks, and gave him the name of Theodoric and the titles of Duke of Toulouse, Count of Narbonne and Nasi (Jewish Prince) of France. I married Auda Martel, daughter of Charles Martel, Pepin III's sister and aunt of Charlemagne Brief. This strain is covered by, among others, the Count Vifredo Pilos. (Royal Academy and Institute of Occitan Studies / Official Site. Http:// realacademiaeinstituto / research)

6) Relatives of Christ. Recently, the historian Javaloys Joaquin has gone further, conducting a comprehensive study to demonstrate that the major royal houses of Europe are related to Makhado, and thus descended from the lineage Davidian.
For the Carolingian Capet were followed, also akin to them and those who converge Davidic-Carolingian three branches: the Capet and his successors, the Valois, then, are direct descendants of the Carolingians, and therefore of David. But their descendants, connected to the royal houses of Burgundy, Braganza, Austria, Bourbon, Savoy, the Ottos, Sasse-Wessex, Anjou-Plantagenet, Ivrea-Spoleto and Swabia Hohenstaufen. It is arguable that the blood of King David has run by all the royal houses that have ruled Europe and continues to do today.
However, the lineage of Makhan Davidians came a branch of Jewish religion which held a fratricidal war with the Christian Branch Davidian Carolingian. The result was that the Orthodox Jewish branch was cut off. In fact, the important principality of Septimania has been relegated to oblivion.
not forget that this successful, cultured and tolerant kingdom flourished in southern France as the Cathar heresy and many companies came and Kabbalistic initiation. The crusade against the Cathars was probably the final blow struck by generations of conspirators interested in the map wipe all traces of its illustrious past. Then a strange veil of silence has generated around the Davidic blood rooted in southern France, making it a mystery that seems the basis of the legends of the Holy Grail (which term in Occitan is similar to the Royal Blood).
Makhan-The existence of Theodoric as the head of the house of David is historical evidence perpetuated in the English monarchy. This strain came to the kingdoms of Spain of the Reconquista. Alfonso II el Casto related to it by marrying a granddaughter of Makhan-Theodoric. Relatedness and similar processes were the kings of Navarre, León, Portugal, Aragon and Mallorca. Also Fernán González, the first independent count of Castile, the House joined David for his marriage to Sancha of Navarre. With the Catholic kings the mythical Jewish ancestry is a English monarchs who already respond to the archetype of universal monarchs, with a vocation to lead, by divine right and heritage to all Christendom, a project that takes on even greater force with the figures of Charles 1 , the Emperor, and Philip II. Juan G. Atienza stressed the fact that Philip II was, among his many titles, "King of Jerusalem," and he identified himself and his father with the two founders of this lineage. The analogy is expressed in the entrance of El Escorial, where the two biblical monarchs are represented in the same position in which the tombs of the two English kings. (Review Year Zero. Arries Francisco Javier, Jose A. Campaign. Http://

7) In essence, "the world" is only a cluster of energy charges that reason, through perception, encoded as solid objects. But the "stuff" is made up of protons, electrons and nuclei that are permanent and perpetual motion.

8) Everyone has the ability to realize that the only thing that can transcend death, it is something you can do, is arguably the most intangible that nests on the ground of the Spirit. Ancient civilizations and religions and "philosophies" casually here get totally agree. That is why all indicate that the material world is an "appearance" that the "real" human being is that which transcends.


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